Unless otherwise stated, images and other media in the galleries of the QUBIC Project are available for use in print and electronic material by the Pierre Auger Collaboration members and institutions, staff from funding agencies that have contributed to this project, members of the media, university staff, teachers and the general public. All media in the galleries are intended for personal, educational, informational and nonprofit/noncommercial use only.
The copyright and all other rights lie with the QUBIC Collaboration under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0), unless explicitly stated differently. Further dissemination, also in parts, for pedagogic, scientific or private purposes is allowed, provided that the source is indicated (unless otherwise expressly stated on the respective page). Use for commercial purposes shall require the approval by the QUBIC Collaboration. Works, licenses or other galleries using media from these galleries, either original or adaptations, should be released under the same conditions.
Granting the right to use media from the QUBIC Project multimedia galleries does not explicitly or implicitly convey the QUBIC Collaboration’s endorsement of the site or document in which the media is used nor of the entity using it.