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Archivos de categoría: principales
Members of the QUBIC Collaboration participated in the panel “Salta Ventana al Universo”, an initiative to enhance the sites with astrophysical installations in the Puna Salteña, in the context of the International Academy of Astronautics Latin American Conference on Small Satellite Technologies and Applications.
More information HERE
A heartfelt goodbye to Arno Penzias, who passed away on January 22nd.
In 1964, while preparing the antenna to measure the properties of the Milky Way galaxy, Dr. Penzias and Dr. Wilson, two young radio astronomer who was new to Bell Labs, encountered a persistent, unexplained radio waves signal that seemed to come from everywhere in the sky, detected no matter which way the antenna was pointed.
The echo of the big bang had been discovered.
See an Interview with Dr. Arno Penzias by freelance journalist Marika Griehsel at the 54th meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany, June 2004.
Alexei Alexandrovich Starobinsky, was a Soviet and Russian astrophysicist and cosmologist.
He received the Kavli Prize in Astrophysics “for pioneering the theory of cosmic inflation”, together with Alan Guth and Andrei Linde in 2014
Born on April 19, 1948, Moscow, Russia, Died on December 21, 2023
QUBIC in APPEC Newsletter!
Read the full article HERE
QUBIC Observatory of Cosmology Inauguration
With the presence of Daniel Filmus (Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Nation), Matías Cánepa (Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of Salta), Adriana Serquis (President of CNEA), Ana Franchi (President of CONICET), Alberto Carral (Major of San Antonio de los Cobres), members of the local community and scientists in QUBIC Collaboration, represented by their spokespersons Silvia Masi (Italy), Jean-Christophe Hamilton (France) and Alberto Echegoyen (Argentina), the Observatory was inaugurated.
Communities of San Antonio de los Cobres during the inauguration and the “Pachamama” ceremony.
More information HERE
QUBIC is installed on the observing mount in Alto Chorrillos!
More images HERE
All the part of QUBIC are in the shelter, ready for the integration!
Integration team: (top, from the left) Emiliano Rasztocky, Javier Maya, Fabricio Rodríguez, Francesco Cavaliere, Cristian Rodríguez, Gabriel Ramos, Facundo Lazarte; (bottom) Manuel Platino, Alexis Mancilla.
Inside the shelter
QUBIC arrived in Alto Chorrillos!
QUBIC arrived in Alto Chorrillos!
Inauguration: November 23, 2022. Agenda
- Inauguration: November 23, 2022. Agenda